Home Breaking News Thefts from local store results in charges for 11 employees, customers

Thefts from local store results in charges for 11 employees, customers


Reported losses in excess of $10,000 at Cash Savers in Nashville has resulted in charges against 11 employees and customers, according to Cash Savers district manager Tim Allen.

In early October, Allen filed a report with the Nashville Police Department in reference to thefts at the store. He reported several employees and customers (friends and family of employees) had been stealing or receiving free merchandise from his store for the past several months.

Allen provided security camera footage from August to October that reportedly showed employees “skip scanning, as well as voiding out transactions for unpaid merchandise,” according to information from NPD Chief Amy Marion.

Allen reported losses in excess of $10,000 at the Nashville store.

The following suspects were arrested and charged last week with theft of property or theft by receiving:

Patricia Erby, 41, of Nashville, employee, felony

Monica Butcher, 44, of Murfreesboro, employee, felony

Stephanie Ramirez, 36, of Nashville, employee, felony

Mandy Day, 44, of Mineral Springs, employee, felony

Lequisha Threats, 44, of Nashville, customer, felony

Corbin Tripp, 21, of Nashville, employee, misdemeanor

Felicity Green, 23, of Nashville, employee, misdemeanor

Jerry Threats, 45, of Nashville, employee, misdemeanor

Kristina Johnson, 26, of Mineral Springs, customer, misdemeanor

Tina Hill, 58, of Ozan, customer, misdemeanor

Lesley Maroon, 44, of Nashville, customer, misdemeanor

Allen said the store employees involved were suspended when the thefts were revealed and their employment terminated once the police investigation began.

Allen reported that the exact same thing happened over the summer at the Prescott Cash Savers with employees and customers taking an estimated $25,000 and resulted in numerous felony and misdemeanor convictions.

“People need to be aware that if I’m investigating an employee theft and I see you on security footage accepting free groceries, we will pursue theft by receiving charges against you,” Allen noted.

Cash Savers also has a location in Murfreesboro.