When Arkansas voters go to voting places for the November General Election, they will see candidates for national, state and local offices, and they will also see four election ‘issues’ at the bottom of the ballot.
Many items amend the Arkansas constitution.
Briefly, the issues are:
No. 1
Referred by the legislature, the issue gives itself the authority to call special legislative sessions.
No. 2
Referred by the legislature, the issue would make it harder for the people to change the constitution by increasing the percentage of voters needed from 50% to 60%.
No. 3
Referred by the legislature, the issue would replace a part of the existing Arkansas Constitution. The issue is referred to as the Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment.
No. 4
Referred by the people, the issue is called ‘Adult User Cannabis’ and would change Arkansas law and give the people authority to grow and sell non-medical marijuana.
Booklets explaining the issues in detail are available through the UofA Cooperative Extension Service. Booklets are in the courthouse.
Voters may also learn more by visiting HYPERLINK “http://www.uaex.uada.edu/ballot” www.uaex.uada.edu/ballot
Early voting starts Oct. 24
Early voting for the 2022 General Election is less than a week away.
The popular early vote period begins Monday, Oct. 24, and lasts through Monday, Nov. 7, the day before Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Early voting for Howard County will only be at the Carter Day Training Center, N. Main St., Nashville. Voting hours will be 8-6, Monday through Friday, and from 10-4 on the two Saturdays preceding the election — Oct. 29 and Nov. 5.
Election Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 8, and there will be four voting centers in Howard County. Any eligible voter may cast his-or-her vote at any of the voting centers: the Methodist church in Mineral Springs; Carter Day Center in Nashville; Dierks Community Center in Dierks; and the Volunteer Fire Department in Umpire.
Ballots contain contested and uncontested races for national, state and local offices.
National — U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress.
State — Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Auditor, Commissioner of State Lands, State Treasurer, Arkansas Senate, and Arkansas House of Representatives. Howard County voters will see one of three House Districts — Districts 86, 87 or 88 depending upon the residence of the voter.
Howard County — County Sheriff.
Municipal — Contested races for Nashville mayor; Mineral Springs mayor; and for Ward 3 alderman, Mineral Springs.
Voters should be prepared to show photo ID.