The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is still accepting applications from youth hunters who would like to participate in a special modern gun deer hunt Nov. 5 at Millwood Lake.
Eight permits will be issued to hunter education graduates ages 6-15.
Applicants must submit a completed application form, including their hunter education identification number, by Oct.7.
A random drawing and hunter notification will occur on Oct. 12.
An unarmed adult, over 21 years old, must accompany youth hunters during the hunt.
Youth hunters will be limited to modern gun only. Hunters must provide their own firearms and youth must be skilled enough to safely operate the firearms.
Access and hunting blinds will be provided. This opportunity helps create an interest in conservation, the outdoors, and to develop a good hunting ethic, while improving the deer herd in this area.
Application forms may be picked up at the USACE Millwood Tri-Lakes Project Office at 1528 Highway 32 E, Ashdown, Ark. or by calling 501-340-1457.