Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: It’s A Girl!

Mine Creek Revelations: It’s A Girl!


YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out of the newspaper’s window on Main Street and I admit that it was several years after I fathered female offspring that I became conscious of the very real ‘glass ceiling’ which kept women from rising as far as they were capable.

It took a long time for women to have voting rights. It took a long time for women to become astronauts.

I am STILL not in favor of women serving on ships at sea in the Navy. Why? Because I was one of those male sailors.

I am a Catholic, and I won’t live to see the day when there are female priests. But it is coming. Lots of denominations already have female preachers.

I don’t think a person should be denied an opportunity because of gender. I take that back …..  partially. My common sense says female high school wrestlers shouldn’t compete with males. Stuff like that.

Bathrooms should be separate for persons with different natural biological genders.

Just because some child THINKS he or she wants to be of the other gender doesn’t give them the right to use whichever bathroom they want. The wishes of the majority should count.

I wish the Arkansas Legislature wouldn’t mess with this. School superintendents could deal with it. No need for a law, yet.

Having bared myself for criticism, I want to report on one little step taken by humans to give females the same opportunities as males.

I stumbled across it at an obscure news site, and here it is:

In the 13th century some Franciscan friars established the Montserrat Monastery just outside of Barcelona in Spain. One of the wonderful and long-standing traditions of the monastery has been its all-boys choir.

Boys only – more than 700 years. The Escolania Choir.

Recently the Fransicans started Escolania Choir 2 composed of women, girls and boys. They sing at religious events once a month, giving the Escolania Choir 1 a weekend off. Bravo.

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CONGRATULATIONS and exultation. How ‘bout them Hawgs!

Razorbacks are in the ‘Sweet 16’ round of the NCAA basketball tournament with no help from me whatsoever. Because I am soooooo superstitious I have not watched a single game. I am fairly certain if I did,  the old team would show up and commit a turnover.

In addition to being the #1 Fair Weather Arkansas Razorback Fan, I am also a fairly reliable and #1 jinx. I watch, we lose.

While we in Arkansas are reveling in our team’s success, not all places are so happy with sports right now.

St. Francis College, in Brooklyn, NYC, has announced that due to its enrollment plateau, Covid, increased expenses and lessened revenues, the school is cancelling ALL MENS AND WOMENS SPORTS at the end of the 2023 semester.

The 164-year-old school will honor all scholarships to athletes.

St. Francis is not a johnny-come-lately school, either. The Terriers mens basketball program is the oldest in New York City, and is one of the original Division 1 schools in athletics.

The president of the school said that expenses in support of 19 sports were inhibiting the school’s ability to meet its mission of providing a high quality and affordable education for working-class and first-generation students. That is a noble mission.

I especially hate the loss of the St. Francis College Lady Terriers water polo team. As you might guess, their uniforms were modest.

At some point the tail has to stop wagging the dog. My opinion is that in the Name-Image-Likeness payments to athletes, along with the transfer portal, we have lost the purity of collegiate sports.

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ANIMAL CRACKERS and yard critters. It’s almost lawn insect time, and it is possible to do something about those biting, crawling, stinging, stinking little devils.

On Tuesday, March 28 at 10 a.m. in the EH Center on Second Street, Nashville, Extension Agent-Agriculture Dawson Bailey will present a program on controlling yard insects. Free to attend.

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WHILE I AM CONGRATULATING the Scrapperettes and other high school athletes from our area, I have been remiss in congratulating excellence in more important, although maybe less well-known, enterprises.

Like leaders of the county’s Extension Homemakers Clubs.

Five members attended the recent Spring Meeting of the state organization in Little Rock. They were Tina Conzel, Dana Newberg, Joy Barr, Corliss Lewis and my neighbor Tempe LaMothe.

This is not just another group of party girls. They were at the meeting to learn how to be good leaders of their own local clubs.

Thank you for making our communities better places to live.

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THINGS I LEARNED by opening an email: I’ve reached the age where ‘happy hour’ is a nap.

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WORD GAMES. The fabulous Sunshine sisters: Rise and Shine.

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HE SAID: “I’m strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants.” US Senator Chuck Schumer, (D-New York)

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SHE SAID: “Fame is like caviar, you know — it’s good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal.” Marilyn Monroe, American icon

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