Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


23 years ago: February 1898

It is generally understood that the right to flirt must be exercised with discretion and regard for the judgment of the male relatives and friends of the lady. This right is qualified by the fist, the horse whip and sometimes a gun, but we do not want any legislation about it. 

Howard County has been highly honored by having two of her young men selected to represent their colleges in the State Oratorical contest at Little Rock in April.  C. G. Hughes of Centre Point has been selected to represent Hendrix College and O. A. Graves of Mineral Springs will represent Arkadelphia Methodist College. 

Notice: Strayed or stolen Saturday night, a dark bay, heavy set pony horse about nine years old, bushy mane  which falls to the left side, two white spots on back made by buggy saddle.  Will not leave the country, was raised around Washington.  May have been taken up and in use by someone. Five dollar reward will be paid to information leading to his recovery. J.J. Hudgins, Nashville.


Three of the Counts girls, Rhoda, Mary and Margie at the Old Home Place in North Howard County, circa 1900

88 years ago: March 1933

The First National Bank of Nashville announced on opening Wednesday morning that the institution would follow the lead of many of the larger banking institutions of the state in taking advantage of the permission given under a law which was signed late Monday by Governor Futrell giving the banks the right to restrict withdrawals of deposits.

Today will end the term of Herbert Hoover as president of the United States and Saturday Franklin D. Roosevelt and a Democratic Congress will take over the reins of the government, giving the country a new deal after four years of increasing depression under the leadership of Mr. Hoover.


70 years ago: January 1951

This was heard at a Red Cross pep meeting. “I know you are tired, but many of our greatest men are tired and they carried on. Take Secretary Marshall for instance. He is  carrying on although all he wants to do is retire to his estate in Virginia.”

(Adv.)  At the Howard Theatre, Friday and Saturday, “Green Grass of Wyoming” in Technicolor, starring Peggy Cummins and Charles Coburn.


38 years ago: January 1983

In the dim light of early Tuesday morning one horse lay dead at the crest of the hill on West Sunset Street and its companion set off on other hair-raising adventures. The owner of the horses is Ira Hendrix of Nashville. The horses were first seen running free at 5:46 a.m.  and minutes later one died in a collision with a big truck.  

Nashville was among 40 to 50 towns in the state to send photos to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission in an effort to be the site of a TV miniseries.  William Buck of the AIDC said Monday that 12 other states were also vying to be the filming site for “Chiefs,” a film about police chiefs in a small Georgia mill town. 

Phil Ramage, photographer of Nashville, sent pictures to the AIDC, and the whole Arkansas portfolio is to be sent to the New York production company for consideration.