125 years ago: 1894
Our Methodist friends at Nathan now have a preacher in the person of Rev. Allgood. The boys call him Halfgood.
A Russian scientist has traced all of man’s disease to the fact that he wears clothes.
From De Queen comes this story of Mr. Mitchell, who was a Confederate soldier. He received a shot in his side from which the bullet was never extracted. Last week he was attacked with a severe pain in his side and after suffering several days was taken with a slight hemorrhage and he coughed up the bullet, which had been in his body for more than 30 years.
(Adv.) McElree’s Wine of Cardul and Black Draught are for sale by the following merchants in Howard County: J. N. Rector, J. T. Elrod and Co., and Nashville Drug.
97 years ago: 1922

The Nashville Company of the National Guard is now domiciled in the upper story of the Millwee Building on East Howard Street, where splendid accommodations have been arranged. The company is now soliciting donations of any furniture for their new quarters from the people of the city.
J. D. Cowling Saturday reported the latest freak of nature reporting the hatching of a chicken without eyes recently on the farm of John Dennis of near this city. He reports that the chicken is in every other respect apparently normal and is healthy.
(Adv.) “The Old Nest.” Rupert Hughes Heart-Gripping story of Home. Princess Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday night, Admission-Children 15 cents, Adults 25 cents.
67 years ago: 1952
The newest organization at the Childress School Campus is the Honor Society, organized by the principal T. L. Love, who nursed the society through its early stages. The society is the first on campus. It was formed after the semester examinations in January among students who had an average of A and B.
Lonnie Pettigrew, a lumberman from near Horatio, was killed all most instantly Thursday afternoon when struck by a limb from the tree he was felling on Briar Creek near Muddy Fork in Howard County. Apparently a large limb tore loose from the tree and Pettigrew was struck on the head.
43 years ago: 1976
Private Donald Edwin Wesson, son of Mrs. Dolores Wesson and the late Calvin Wesson of Murfreesboro completed seven weeks of basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. in November. Pvt. Wesson is now stationed in Germany. He completed artillery training at Ft. Sill, Okla., in January.
The flu outbreak in Nashville is keeping doctors and hospital personnel busy and students away from school. Superintendent Dwight Jones reports attendance last Friday was 86%.
One of the biggest complications from this flu is staph pneumonia. Several cases of pneumonia have been reported.