Attempted abduction in Blevins


    James Singleton
    Hempstead County Sheriff

    The Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the report of a white female trying to coax a 12 year old female into a red truck Monday morning February 29th at approximately 7:30 am near the intersection of Highway 29 North and Highway 371 in Blevins.
    The 12 year old female’s mother reported that her daughter was walking to school down highway 371 near the intersection of highway 29 North at approximately 7:30 am, Monday February 29th When the 12 year old stated that a red truck driven by a white woman pulled up beside her and asked her if she was going to school. When the 12 year old said she was the white lady told her to get in and then started to clean out the passenger seat of the truck. The 12 year old told the lady “No but thank you” but the lady insisted that the 12 year old get in. The 12 year old stated that she started walking faster and ignored the lady and she drove away. The 12 year old said that the lady seemed to pull into a driveway to turn around and that she never saw her again.
    The 12 year old described the lady as white approximately 40 years old, with what seemed like crooked or missing teeth and brown hair, the truck was described as Red and seemed to ride low to the ground. The 12 year old stated that she had never seen the lady or the truck around Blevins before this incident.
    I would like to ask parents to talk to their children and reiterate that if someone approaches them (even someone they know) and tries to get them to get into a vehicle do as this young girl did and don’t t get into a vehicle and leave the area and tell an adult or teacher as soon as possible. And do not go with someone unless they have received permission from the parent to go or ride with a specific person at a specific time.
    If anyone was near the intersection of Highway 29 and 371 at approximately 7:30 am and observed a vehicle fitting this description please contact the Criminal Investigation Division of the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office at 870-777-6727 or Dial 911 if you happen to observe this type of vehicle driven by a white female as described.