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NHS Journalism yearbook fundraiser


Nashville High School journalism students are selling copies of yearbooks on DVD for $10 per year, or all years for $100. The years 1947 – 2010 are available, excluding 1949 and 1950 (there was not a publication for those years). According to Fran Strawn, NHS librarian, “each yearbook has been scanned from cover to cover from what was available to us. Many thanks to the community members that helped in making the project complete.”
This fundraiser will help defray expenses to the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Convention in March at Columbia, South Carolina. SIPA is a not-for-profit organization of middle and high school journalism programs to educate students and advisers on journalism standards, support publications and programs.
If you would like to order a DVD of a Nashville High School Yearbook, or for more information, contact Fran Strawn at 870-845-3261 or e-mail [email protected].