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Polling site changes in Howard County


There have been a couple of polling site
changes made by the Howard County Election
Dierks precincts Madison, Holly Creek, and
Muddy Fork, as well as Dierks wards 1, 2,
and 3 were moved to the Dierks Community
Center, located at 102 West 2nd Street
in Dierks. The reason given for the change
was problems with parking during the last
Changes have also been made to where the
precincts of County Line and Saline vote.
County Line Baptist Church was the former
site. The church gave notice on Nov.
24 that future use of the building as a voting
site would be impossible. The new location
for voting for the precincts is the Nashville
School Administration Building, located at
522 North 4th Street in Nashville.
Registered voters will be notified by mail
of their polling site changes. According to
a press release, “the Howard County registration
system is up to date, has been up to
date, and is updated any time information is
received changing any information on the
system. If you have had a name change, address
change, or any information that would
change your registration, call or visit the
County Clerk’s office so an update can be