New tornado siren system for Nashville major topic at city council meeting


    NASHVILLE – A decision to move forward on purchasing
    new tornado sirens for the City of Nashville was reached
    Tuesday night.
    Fire Chief Jerry Harwell presented the city council with
    a report on his suggestions for the new system, including
    moving the locations of the sirens to better cover the city
    in the event of a warning. Sirens are currently located in
    the Toland Heights section of Nashville, Main Street, and
    off Sipes Street.
    Harwell proposed moving the siren located in Toland
    Heights to Animal Control, to better help cover Walmart
    and surrounding areas. The siren on Main Street would be
    moved to the Fire Department Building, to again help ensure
    better coverage.
    The siren off of Sipes Street would not change locations,
    because it covers the schools well, and Harwell did not think
    it would be worth it to chance either Nashville Primary or
    Nashville Junior High not being able to hear a siren if needed.
    Harwell also submitted to the council a bid for sirens
    from a company in Oklahoma, which he felt would be the
    best option for the city of Nashville. The total cost would
    be $46,750 to just be delivered, installation not included, or
    $55,350 for the entire system to be installed.
    Council member Andy
    Anderson asked Harwell
    about a stronger siren option
    mentioned on the bid.
    Harwell stated that bigger is
    always better when it comes
    to tornado sirens. The model
    in question covers an area
    three times the size of the
    smaller sirens. Anderson
    made a motion to order the
    new tornado system with the
    bigger sirens, complete with
    installation. The motion was
    seconded, and after a brief
    discussion, it was passed.
    Jimmy Dale presented the
    council with the financial report
    for October. He stated
    that the month looked good
    overall. Sales taxes were up
    for the city 8.7 percent over
    last year, and county sales
    taxes were also up 2 percent
    over last year’s totals.
    A motion was made to
    give City Clerk Mary Woodruff
    a raise based on her
    willingness to pick up extra
    job duties. Council member
    Monica Clark raised questions
    about giving the raise
    based off of duties not assigned
    by the official job
    description. After a brief
    discussion, the motion was
    passed 10-1. Clark voted ‘no.’
    All members of the council
    were present at the meeting
    except for council members
    Vivian Wright and Mike