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The Early Files


Complied by Patsy Young

105 years ago: 1910
Frank McCauley, Jr. and Amos, Tobe and Bud Chambers will have preliminary trails at Umpire today, on the charge of assault to kill.
The cases have grown out of a general fight said to have occurred at Umpire last Saturday, participated in by the men named and Otis Hunter. Hunter is said to have been shot at and cut during the fight, but the others escaped serious harm. Hunter paid a fine for assault and battery immediately after the fight.
(Adv.) It’s about Trouser time. The new summer patterns are very handsome and we can Trouser you at $1.50 to $5.00. W. T. Street & Co.

76 years ago: 1939
Five large cotton bolls were brought to The News office Wednesday from the A. G. Lay crop on the Dodson plantation of Dr. W. H. Toland, just south of Nashville. The stalk from which the bolls were taken had 15 bolls and numerous squares when the bolls were pulled July 4. This indicates a splendid yield in the crop this year.
(Adv.) At the Owl Fountain, fresh peach ice cream, made from choice ripe Elbertas. You will like it and tell your friends. Owl Drug Store, phone 185. We deliver.

46 years ago: 1969
Billy Shofner, who made a name in Scrapper athletics, has been awarded a hero’s medal for bravery in the Vietnam fighting.
Specialist Four Shofner was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for Heroism for his part in a night fight May 16, 1969 in Vietnam. He is with the 25th Infantry Division.
According to the report accompanying the commendation, this is what SP Shofner did on May 16th:
“While established in a night ambush position, an element of Company F spotted an enemy force positioned in a hedgerow. Unhesitatingly, Specialist Shofner moved across the open terrain to an exposed area. With complete disregard for his own safety, Specialist Shofner fearlessly exposed himself as he began placing devastating M-70 grenade fire on the insurgents. His valorous actions contributed immeasurably to the success of the mission and the defeat of the enemy force.”
Shofner is the son of Mrs. Lon Young of Nashville and he graduated from Nashville High School in 1966, where he was outstanding in football and basketball.

26 years ago: 1989
Karia Finley received the Outstanding Music Campers Award from the National Band Association Friday, July 14 at the Henderson State University Band Camp. Finley will be a ninth grader at Mineral Springs High School where she plays clarinet and bass clarinet with the school band. She was recognized for excellence in performance and leadership at the camp. Finley is the granddaughter of Charles and Barbara Finley.
Dennis Sunderman of Nashville made a contact last year that paid handsome dividends. In late June, he and two friends received an expense-paid trip to Sweden to play their Bluegrass music.
A Swedish couple who paid their way met them at an engagement in Conway. The couple, who accompanied the Americans throughout Sweden, liked the music the Arkansans played and were willing to pay for their trip overseas.
“People really liked Bluegrass and Country,” said Sunderman, who has lived primarily in Nashville since 1972.