Compiled by Patsy Young
105 years ago: 1910
George Parker of Muddy Fork, called at the The News office Saturday and exhibited a pearl, which was found on his farm, and which weighed 28 grains. About twenty pearls have been found in his neighborhood within the past week or two.
The national birthday in Nashville was a very quiet day, indeed, resembling Sunday in many particulars. Many from here went to Texarkana, Mineral Springs and to picnics at various points in this section, and returned reporting a pleasant outing. The crowd at Mineral Springs was estimated at 2,000.
(Adv.) Split Hickory Wheels and wrought running gear with a guarantee against defective material or workmanship. For my buggy customers. D. M. Galloway
76 years ago: 1939
A crowd of visitors estimated at more than 500 people, many of them old residents of Center Point, were attracted to Center Point Tuesday for the annual home coming celebration, and the day’s program was a most enjoyable one. Among the features of the day was music by the Nashville High School Band.
At 2:30 in the afternoon, a program was held at the new school building dedicating this fine new building. Hon. George Steel of this city served as master of ceremonies.
(Adv.) Liberty Theatre, Friday and Saturday, Roy Rogers in “Law Comes to Texas”
46 years ago: 1969
Bob McClure, a leading peach industry figure for over a quarter-century here, died Friday night in a Little Rock hospital after an illness of several weeks.
In 1942 he founded the Bob McClure Produce Company handling fresh produce grown in this area and in time the company became one of Arkansas’s largest. He was 62 years of age, and at the time of death was serving as superintendent of the Arkansas division of the Dillard chain of department stores. He was a native of Howard County, born near the Pump Springs community on October 9, 1906. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McClure.
26 years ago: 1989
“It was great.” That was how former prisoner of war Archie Cothren felt about Tuesday night’s” Stand Up for America” program at the city park.
Cothren was one of six former POWs who were recognized for their sacrifice during the event. He along with Fred Parker of the Blue Bayou Community, Clifton Sharp of Dierks, Derwood Joyner of Saratoga, Hoyle Irwin of Nashville and Nolan Copeland of Mineral Springs brushed back tears as their names were called and presented plaques by Sheriff Dick Wakefield, a veteran himself.