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Letter to Editor


Letter to the Editor

June 6, 2015

Dear Editor,

The board of Norman Historic Preservation Program, Inc. (NHPP, Inc.) thanks every person who made the recent event to raise funds to install a bathroom and handicap entrance into the Old Norman High School a success. A total of $4468.50 was taken up at the fundraiser, with expenses of $361 for food, leaving a balance of $4107.50.With the matching $2500 from Modern Woodmen of America and other donations, a total of $7507.50 was raised during the spaghetti/auction fundraiser. Wow!!!!

The Montgomery County News and Glenwood Herald provided the necessary publicity. A special thanks to Dicey Horn, the local Modern Woodmen of America agent, and Ken McGrew and his assistant from McGrew Auction of Glenwood. Caddo Hills administrators and faculty members Cilla and Jay Green and Ginger Klein provided the site and the leadership for the program, while parents brought the talented children and youth who performed. Thanks to Diann Black and Jan Graves who supervised in the cafeteria kitchen, and for the delicious food prepared by Julia Bissell, Marilyn Warren, and Tana Floyd. Thank you to the businesses in Mt. Ida, Norman, and Glenwood who provided the generous certificates for donated services and for the items to auction off. Finally, thank you to the faithful community members and alumni of NHS who believe the Old Norman High School site is a treasure and are willing to continue to donate their time and money.

Mary Beth Lysobey

President, NHPP, Inc.