Home Early Files The Early Files

The Early Files


Compiled by Patsy Young

115 years ago: 1900
It is reported that the sixteen thousand Indians on the Hila reservation in Arizona are actually starving to death. The last congress appropriated $303,000 for the relief of these people, but no method of distributing the money was stipulated, hence it cannot be used for the purpose it was intended for. The authorities at Washington have been notified of the condition of the Indians and some relief will be given them.
A picnic was in progress at Pates, in the northern part of Howard County, Saturday when Newport Miller, a well-known character in this county and a Mr. Logan became involved in a quarrel which ended in a fight.
The two men were clinched when a brother of Logan came upon the scene. He drew his pistol and told Miller that if he did not let his brother alone he would shoot him. Miller paid no attention and Logan placed his pistol at Miller’s temple and fired. The ball passed through his head and lodged just under the skin on the opposite side.
We are informed that Newport Miller died, but have no information as to whether Logan has been arrested.
(Adv.) Hunt’s Lightning Oil. Cures catarrh, neuralgia, springs, cuts, colic diarrhea, headache. Good for man and beast

100 years ago: 1915
Leon Benedict, an employee at the box factory, lost the index finger of his left hand, and had two other fingers injured by a saw last Monday, while at work.
Mr. Keagy’s suggestion as to strawberries in our last issue was that the runners should be induced to root now so as to provide new plants for bearing next spring as the sooner they are rooted the better they will bear.
(Adv.) In our grandparents’ time, picture taking meant long sittings in uncomfortable, strained attitudes-with success always more or less in doubt. But today, clever photographers, in comfortable studios, with fast plates and fast lenses at their command, make the experience a pleasure. King’s Studio in new building.

60 years ago: 1955
Marine Corporal Ronald Gene Reed has returned to Camp Pendleton after spending a 30 day leave with relatives and friends in Nashville, Texarkana and Forth Worth.
Cpl. Reed has just returned from Japan where he served for fourteen months, along with service in Hawaii with the 3rd Marine Division.
Betty Jo Reddin, Nashville student attending Arkansas A&M College, was named on the school’s honor roll for the spring semester, Clara Willis registrar, reports. To be eligible students must average “B” or higher grades.

40 years ago: 1975
Joe Scott Floyd of Nashville was the quest of Glen and Wes Campbell Saturday in Little Rock. “The Country Comes Home Show” was the occasion and a number of Arkansas singers performed.
Floyd was the guest of the governor’s mansion, and he performed for the governor, his wife and guest. Floyd was accompanied by Wes Campbell on the piano. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul Floyd of Nashville.