Hiring a new high school principal and filling vacant certified staff positions was a key part of Monday, May 11, Caddo Hills School District’s meeting.
The District board hired James Todd Baxley as principal of the high school during Monday’s regular school board meeting. Baxley is a Nashville native but will come to the district from a teaching position at Mineral Springs.
This will be his first year as a principal, according to board comments.
They also voted to hire Kara Black as FACS teacher and Kathy Scott as special education assistant
District Superintendent Walter Key told the board that presently 28 students ( 27 from Center Point and one from Kirby) have applied for legal transfer into the district. The district routinely accepts transfers from area schools and allows transfers out of the district on request.
The board also voted to approve step increases for certified personnel. On a recommendation by Superintendent Key and motion by Board member Kenzie Bour, the board voted to move certified personnel up one step for the year’s service. The maximum number of steps for previous service allowed in the current salary schedule is 19.
Plans continue for the May 14 Fun Festival, according to Josh Bright, elementary school principal. Bright told the board a full schedule of activities are planned, including a car show, food items, games and other activities. “At this point we are on go for the day,” he noted.
Upcoming high school activities for the district include the Academic Awards Dinner, May 12, the Athletic Banquet, May 19 and CAP (Career Action Plan) meeting with students and parents, Wednesday, May 27. Graduation will be held Friday, May 22 at 7 p.m. Final day of school will be June 2.
The board also approved the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, as well as approving all related election documents.