Home Breaking News NCC presents annual awards, bids farewell to departing industry

NCC presents annual awards, bids farewell to departing industry

ORANGE AND BLACK. For contributions to education and to the community, Joanna and Michael Howard were presented the Orange and Black Education Award by board member Tina Carver.
MAN OF THE YEAR. Rick Kesterson, the winner for 2022, presented the award to Luis Maya, Sr.

By Louie Graves

News-Leader staff

On a night that featured awards for outstanding citizens, an emotional farewell/thank you to Husqvarna, and a full house in attendance, the shining star of the 2024 Nashville Chamber of Commerce awards banquet may have been a heavy Italian creme cake made and donated to the auction by chamber manager Tim Pinkerton.

Woman of the Year for 2023 was Lisa Hagler, founder of the Grace Christian School.

Man of the Year was Luis Maya, born in Mexico and who graduated from employee to partner to owner of 10-Minit Lube on Nashville’s Main Street.

But the cake …..

It was held aloft by Pinkerton during its auctions. It was first purchased by State Sen. Jimmy Hickey of Texarkana who asked it be auctioned again.

WOMAN OF THE YEAR. Chamber past president Dr. Michelle Boone presented the award to Lisa Hagler Monday night, Feb. 19.

It was … 10 more times by auctioneer Todd Morris, raising $5,100 to be split between the chamber and with the Nashville High School and Junior High School cheerleaders who served the meal and were designated auction recipients by one successful bidder.

On a night of well-received awards, the couple of Michael and Joanna Howard received the Orange and Black Education Award; several new or moved businesses were recognized; and a former mayor, Billy Ray Jones, 

was lauded for his many business achievements and municipal successes with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Outgoing board president Dr. Michelle Boone was presented a plaque by 2024 board president Dr. Aaron Tollett who announced that Kristin Stavely would be board president in 2025. Outgoing director and past president Tammy Landsdell was recognized in absentia.

For the fourth time, master of ceremonies for the event was Loren Hinton who has also served as board president.

Among elected officials present were Sen. Hickey, State Rep. Deann Vaught, Nashville Mayor Larry Dunaway and Dolly Henley, a candidate for state representative.