Home Breaking News Ground work starts for new sports complex on Murfreesboro campus

Ground work starts for new sports complex on Murfreesboro campus

HALTED BY WET CONDITIONS. A piece of heavy equipment sits idle Monday at the site of the athletic facility being built on the South Pike County School District campus. Dirt work began last week but was halted soon after due to soggy conditions.

By John Balch

News-Leader staff

Dirt work for the South Pike County School District’s new $1.750 million athletic facility started on Feb. 19 but has since been grounded by wet conditions with work expected to resume possibly next week.

The complex, which will include baseball and softball fields, will be located on the 27-acre tract purchased by the district in 2007 for $48,000. The land adjoins the campus and is north of the visitors’ side of Rattler Stadium and runs to the front of the old chicken processing plant.

In December 2023, SPCSD board members approved a resolution authorizing the district to issue second-lien bonds “in an estimated amount of $1,830,000 for the purposes of constructing athletic facilities” with any remaining funds to be used for other construction, renovation and equipment purchases.

Superintendent Tanya Wilcher reported during the board’s February meeting last week that the project could be completed by the end of December.