Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: Perfessers Bring Back Sample from Outer Space

Mine Creek Revelations: Perfessers Bring Back Sample from Outer Space


YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out my window on Main Street, and I am in awe of the accomplishment of American scientists.

Back in 2016 NASA launched a small exploratory spaceship with the unbelievable goal of landing on the surface of an asteroid millions of miles away.

It was supposed to grab some samples of its surface and then return to Earth where it would somehow deliver those samples for study.

Sunday, the spacecraft (which has the odd name of OSIRIS-REx which actually means something) managed to drop off the samples without stopping. It then looped back around our planet and sped off to get a close-up look at yet another asteroid.

Stupifying. It’s just too hard to imagine.

Those little rocky samples of the asteroid Bennu were somehow parachuted down from the edge of space where OSIRIS-REx was obiting, the fell to the Utah desert and are now safely isolated in sterile seclusion awaiting inspection by some perfessers that are probably foaming at the mouth to look at them under a microscope.

Or, is this a re-enactment of the movie, “The Andromeda Strain” (the original was weirder and better than there re-make)? 

In early April of 2029 when OSIRIS-REx arrives at the asteroid Apophis it will be only for observation of the surface, not for gathering more samples.

Both of these asteroids were at one time considered to be threats to collide with Earth and kill all the dinosaurs but the scientists and perfessers no longer think so.

How in the world did these NASA people design and build such a spacecraft? How did they calculate the complicated way the spacecraft could get to Bennu, land on the surface, take samples, and return to Earth?

They used math I never learned in high school.

It’s more than a small mind like mine can absorb. I believe in science.

I am a firm believer that we humans need to continue to study the Universe. In fact, when Sen. Tom Cotton was sworn in, I wrote him and asked him to keep our space exploration efforts vigorous.

This was before he or anyone in his office knew I was a weirdo.

After awhile I got a letter back from the senator or — more likely — one of his aides. It said that the senator would continue his work on behalf of Arkie gunowners and our protect our Second Amendment rights from the liberal crazies.

I am sorry I had to get so old before I could appreciate the universe and our achievements in space.

One of the things that has stuck with me for many years …. and it is reassuring for some reason.

When the scientists first looked thru the great space telescope to see what was thought to be the edge of the universe, they discovered that the universe is STILL EXPANDING.

So, maybe the Almighty isn’t getting ready to flip the switch as some of the tv preachers are warning. Don’t send them any more money.

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ANIMAL CRACKERS. Every year I swear I will look at the sky each day after August 31st to register the annual departure of our Mississippi Kites.

Of course, every year I forget. The kites don’t care if I get embarassed.

This past weekend I remembered to look up. I did not see any of those soaring birds, so I was prepared to write in this column that they had departed. But, Monday as I walked to City Hall for the council meeting, I saw several birds circling high, high up. Were they Kites? I didn’t have a chance to observe whether they were buzzards, eagles or kites.

So I will reserve judgement. At any rate, they go somewhere else until they return in the late spring. I will be watching the skies and will notify you when they’ve returned.

But, where do they go?

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The obituary for Doug Mix is in this issue of the newspaper. Among many other things he was Santa for Yuletime events here for many years. Doug was one of the many great people brought to our community by Poulan/Husqvarna.

ALSO, I did get obituary information for my friend, Jimmy Chandler.

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THINGS I LEARNED by opening email:  My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously, there’s a new strain out there.

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WORD GAMES. The twins: Please and Thankyou. Need more like ‘em.

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HE SAID: “Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them.” Napoleon Bonaparte, general and ruler

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SHE SAID:  “You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal.” Elizabeth Taylor, actress. She should know.

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