The Nashville School District continues efforts to fill staff vacancies ahead of the 2022-23 academic year.
Superintendent Doug Graham said openings remain in athletics and classroom positions.
“We’re down to the last couple of interviews for junior high head football coach,” Graham said Monday afternoon. The job became open when Coach Kirk Benson moved to the Alma School District earlier this spring.
The district is also looking for a successor to high school offensive coordinator Coach Jimi Easterling.
In the classroom, ninth grade English teacher Tammy Alexander resigned last week to accept a position at Magnet Cove. Graham said the job likely will be filled with an in-house transfer for Kynnedi Gordon Parnell.
The district is “looking at applicants for seventh grade language arts,” according to Graham. Another in-house move is possible.
Head Scrapper soccer coach and assistant football coach Wade Matlock has accepted a position at Gurdon, Graham said.
The district continues to advertise for a school nurse at junior high.
Other vacancies may occur this week, Graham said, but no resignations for those positions had been submitted as of Monday afternoon.