Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


123 years ago: July 1898

Complaint has reached this office that some of the road overseers have neglected the roads in places.  Good roads are not only a convenience, but it may be said that it is a source of revenue. Good roads save both teams and vehicles. We by all means should have good roads. 

Card of thanks:  The singing class at Wakefield wishes to extend their heart-felt thanks to Mr. R. E. Feemster for a wagon load of nice watermelons. Mr. Feemster is one of Howard’s best citizens, ever on the side of right and ready to lend a helping hand to anything that is elevating to society. Wakefield School


81 years ago: July 1940

Some consider elderly spinsters pathetically, but many persons regard them as privileged persons who have missed a lot and are glad for the miss. 

Unit #2 of the Arkansas Forestry Commission will hold its fifth forestry Festival the first week in September.  The personnel of Unit 2 with the cooperation of the people of the area hope to keep the festival the leading one of the state. The first forest festival ever held in the state was held at Dierks Aug. 17, 1936 and has continuously grown since. A program is being prepared this year and many handsome prizes will be offered. 

(Adv.) Camels, a slow-burning costlier tobacco.


58 years ago: July 1963

Miss Louise Lovell of Dierks, Arkansas is one of thirty-three young men and women who will leave the United States this fall to begin three years of missionary service overseas for the Methodist Church. Miss Lovell will go to India to work in the field of Home Economics. For the last three years she has been on the faculty of the Northwest Missouri State College at Marysville.

Herman McAlister has been appointed Superintendent of Schools at Mineral Springs. He will succeed Winfred Clardy who resigned to become the Howard County Schools Supervisor, succeeding Cecil Shuffield.

First Nashville Public School in town, circa 1886. It was located on North Third Street at the corner of West College.


38 years ago: July 1983

Doctor James L. “Jimmy” Chandler is a Navy Captain with 13 years of service. He is a 1965 graduate of the UA of Fayetteville and was awarded his medical degree in 1969 from the UA Medical School at Little Rock. He was the valedictorian of the 1961 class of Nashville High School.  

Dr. Chandler, the son of the late Hoy F. and Crystal A. Chandler of Nashville, is the newly appointed Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the Naval Hospital in San Diego.