By John R. Schirmer
News-Leader staff
Nurse practitioner Tugi Myers has joined the staff of Compassion Clinic of Nashville and is seeing patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Myers is a 1993 graduate of Nashville High School.
She and her husband Mat have five children and are members of Cross Point Church.
Myers has been a nurse for 13 years. During that time, “I thought about going back to school for nurse practitioner. A friend pushed me toward it,” she said.
Her interest in medicine goes back to family members who are nurses. Myers worked in retail management before entering nursing.
“I started back to college for stenography, then nursing,” Myers said.
During her career, Myers has worked in hospitals, home health and at Nashville Primary School.
Myers’ nurse practitioner program was set up for 2 1/2 years. “I took a summer off, so it was three years for me.”
One of the aspects of her job which Myers enjoys most is “building rapport with patients.”
She also likes “managing health care” for patients.
Becoming a nurse practitioner is “a totally different role. I was used to having a doctor. Now, I come up with a treatment plan. I’m getting more comfortable with it, and I have [Dr. Michelle Boone] here,” Myers said.
Under Arkansas law, nurse practitioners must have a collaborating physician. Dr. Joe King holds the position for Myers.
Myers said she is “glad to be in Nashville. I’ve been on the road with home health. I had four counties that were spread out.”
Medicine is “always changing,” according to Myers. She utilizes a number of resources, including journals, to help “stay on top of the ever-changing field.”
With Covid-19 a major part of today’s healthcare, Myers said she has seen “a few cases. They’ve all been mild.”
Myers is in the office all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “I hope to increase those days,” she said.
During her four weeks at Compassion Clinic, “The staff has been very helpful,” she said.
Boone said she is “excited to have [Myers]. We hope to open a Saturday clinic soon.”
Compassion offered a Saturday service before the coronavirus pandemic. Now, “I hope we can put Saturday back on the schedule,” she said.
Outside of her medical work, “My kids keep me busy,” Myers said, participating in 4-H and showing animals.
“I love being outside. I like to work on the farm with the cows and horses,” Myers said.