Home Breaking News Wet, cold weather may result in peach damage

Wet, cold weather may result in peach damage


By Louie Graves

News-Leader staff

An unusual weather condition may have negatively affected the peaches of 2020 in the Nashville area, according to two operators of large orchards.

Rainy, cold weather could be the culprit, says Tim Jones, who has orchards near Center Point.

Jones says that green leaves actually sprouted on the peach trees before blooms, and the trees of some varieties have not been pollinated.

“This is not a very scientific conclusion,” Jones said, acknowledging that there was also no freeze damage to the fruit.

His peach crop is 65-70% Red Globe variety in volume, and most of that has been lost. “This really hurts,” he said.

There will be some Red Globe and other varieties, and he predicted that there would be some early varieties ready by June 10. “The good side is that the remaining peaches will be really big.”

Lou Jamison of Jamison Orchards said that several of her varieties also had not pollinated, and she also speculated that wet weather could be the cause.

She said she had never seen the condition before. The extensive Jamison orchard acres are also located between Nashville and Center Point.

Some varieties were not affected, she added.

“We have a good crop in Harken, July Prince and Messina, out of 38 varieties. The rest are a smattering here and there, but they should produce whoppers since not many on trees.”

She said her first varieties should come off about June 10.