Home Breaking News Bridge construction near school underway

Bridge construction near school underway

News-Leader photo/JOHN R. SCHIRMER BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. Work is underway on a new bridge across from Nashville Primary School. Depending on the arrival of steel beams, the project could be completed in the next three or four weeks, weather permitting, according to Public Works Director Larry Dunaway.

By John R. Schirmer

News-Leader staff

A new bridge is under construction at the intersection of 8th and Pope Streets across from Nashville Primary School.

Nashville Public Works Director Larry Dunaway said the project is expected to be completed within 3-4 weeks, weather permitting and if steel beams arrive on time.

The current bridge is being replaced for a couple of reasons, according to Dunaway.

Highway Department inspections revealed some issues underneath the structure, Dunaway said. “Also, we had some flood damage,” and the decision was made to build a new bridge.

“This will be brand new. The old one is coming out completely. It will be open span. There are no pylons, so it won’t be catching near as much brush” from water rushing through the creek.

Steel beams from the state will be used, Dunaway said.

The city received “a good quote” for the project, Dunaway said. “It was $94,000 for a brand-new bridge.”

David Hedges with D. E. Contractors of Hot Springs is the contractor.

Crews began working last week on the construction site beside the old bridge.

The next step will be the arrival of the steel beams, which Dunaway said should happen “any day. Depending on the steel, we should be finished in the next 3-4 weeks.”

Construction of the bridge will take the place of another option which received bad reviews from the public – a traffic circle.

The traffic circle, or round-about, drew a number of unfavorable comments when a trial balloon mentioned it as a possibility.

“No traffic circle,” Dunaway said.