Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Helen Keller, the blind and deaf prodigy of Tuscumbia, Alabama, is visiting relatives at Hot Springs.

The celebration at Bluff Springs will be the second Sunday and the decoration the Saturday before. Everybody is invited to come, bring their dinner and stay all day as a pleasant day is anticipated.

Notice: For sale cheap, a new organ, which cost $75 new in Little Rock. Will take $65 cash for it or will sell for note with good security. Call at this office.

(Adv.) Simply awful, the worst case of scrofuia the doctors ever saw was completely cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla.

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Main Street, Umpire. circa: 1910


97 years ago: 1922

Rev. J. B. Hill of this city has requested that we announce that he has nice bed of Havana tobacco plants, which he will be glad to give any person interested in the growing of tobacco.

Notice: The City Council at its regular meeting held on the night of May 1 passed an ordinance prohibiting the giving or selling of tobacco cigarettes or cigarette papers to minors, and prohibit the use of tobacco in a public place anywhere in the city by any person under the age of 16.

Work will begin this week on the change in the Nashville and Dierks road at Hester Hill north of Center Point The change to be made will eliminate the worst place on the entire road from this city to Dierks and will shorten the distance about 200 yards.

(Adv.) The Wolff Store makes more bargain offers.  We offer dry goods, shoes, hats etc. at very reasonable prices. We appreciate your patronage if you are already a customer, and if not we will appreciate a share of your patronage. The Wolff Store, Bingen, Arkansas


67 years ago: 1952

Tommy Tedford, world traveled magician and ventriloquist, will present his magic show “The Atomic Age” Thursday night as part of the Lion’s Club benefit program. During his outstanding 45-minute performance Tedford will eat razor blades, demonstrate Wilber, the talking skull, and present his famous floating zombie mystery.

Three service men from this area are listed as passengers returning from Korea aboard transports due to land at West Coast ports over the weekend.  The three include Corporal Thaddeus I. Jones and Pfc. Rufus A. Coulter of Nashville and Pfc. Jesse L. Bean of Lockesburg.


43 years ago: 1976

Fellowship Church is without a piano. Burglars entered the Baptist church on Highway 4 between Center Point and Dierks sometime between Sunday night and Tuesday evening and removed a piano and bench valued at $400.  

Officers believe an organized gang did the job operating as they have in numerous piano thefts reported in the four states area. “The rural churches are usually the victims because there would be no one around to see them.  The thieves could have driven up at 2 or 3 a.m. stolen the piano without anyone seeing them,” Sheriff Conrad Bagley said.

Residents of Tollette recently planted a tulip tree on the school lawn in observance of the nation’s Bicentennial.  

Other Bicentennial activities are planned later on this summer.