Home Breaking News The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

Miss Bettie Wood, a young lady of fifteen summers living at Wallaceburg, Hempstead County has pieced a quilt with 2886 pieces.

If a man has a smokehouse full of meat, a supply of grain and feed stuff, a barrel or two of good homemade syrup, a trunk of potatoes and owns his farm, he has got a better government than any political party ever made. 

(Adv.) Notice to stock raisers: Glendale Stock Farm. You will find my black Kentucky Jack and my Bay Kentucky Stallion at my farm near Nashville. This horse goes all gaits loose in the lot and his gaits are natural.  You will find me or a good careful hand to wait on you at all times. If no one is in sight, ring the bell. I am well fixed to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible for any. Terms: $10 each to insure. Thanking you for past patronage for the last three years, S. B. Reese.


97 years ago:  1922

Courtesy photo/HOWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Hester’s Blacksmith Shop, Center Point: Dede Cravens, Charley Hester and August Hester

T. W. Croom will endeavor to ship a car of hogs on the cooperative plan about May 1. He has about half the car listed and wants all who want to ship in his car to list their hogs at once so he can make sure of the shipment.

The children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and other relatives of the late Jordan Reese assembled at Corinth Church Thursday to celebrate the 101 anniversary of the birth of their forbearer. 

Picnic dinner was spread on the ground among the crowd; and after this had been properly disposed of, various games and athletic contests were indulged in with those present. The older men, women and children joined in the sports. The members present voted to meet each year to celebrate this event.

Notice: I was given the wrong tip and got in the recent city election on the wrong ticket and now am willing to remain a Democrat the rest of my time. I don’t know but what I will be in a race for governor, constable or something at the next primary, but in the meantime I want to do your draying and if it is for any charitable institution, I will continue to do the work free. I thank those who voted for me in the city election and don’t feel hard toward those who did not.  Since I am not to serve you as marshal, call me and let me serve you as drayman.  Will F. Branch


67 years ago: 1952

Disaster relief for the victims of the tornado at Dierks is coming from both state and federal sources as the area enters the rehabilitation period. The Farmers Administration will make 100% loans with all credit restrictions removed to the tornado victims with the purpose of rebuilding their homes according to word received by the News from Congressman Boyd Tackett.  The Congressman made a flying trip to Arkansas shortly after the series of tornadoes struck.


43 years ago:  1976

William “Billy Mac” Bollinger who graduated from Southern Methodist University of Dallas, Texas, in December, has been informed that he will receive the Sally Plum Memorial prize for engineering design. 

Bolllinger received his degree in Civil Engineering from SMU.  He is a graduate of Nashville High School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bollinger of 806 West Johnson Street, Nashville. This semester Bollinger is attending the University of Texas at Austin on a fellowship grant.