Home Early Files The Early Files: A Look into the Past

The Early Files: A Look into the Past


Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, during summer revival, John L. Ferguson, pastor, circa 1950. Church has existed since 1845.

116 years ago: 1902

Probably the largest deposit of five-cent pieces ever made at one time in this city was last Thursday when the Nashville Bottling Works deposited 5,450 nickels in the Planters Bank, a total of $272.50.

Gus Ramage, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ramage, swallowed a 22-calibre cartridge Monday morning. Nothing serious has yet resulted, but the boys are manifesting considerable interest in Gus and wondering when he will “go off.”

The citizens of Hempstead County have been enjoying the novelty of a lion hunt this week.  Responsible persons have seen a mountain lion and two cubs at different points and the beasts have been trailed by dogs for several days. Citizens of Washington, Ozan and surrounding country have joined in the hunt.


100 years ago:  1918

An accident occurred this week in which the left hand of the victim was badly mangled and resulted in the loss of the hand entirely.

Miss Verna Lee Matthews, aged 16 years, was badly injured at the residence of her cousin, Audie Johnson at Paraloma, when a dynamite cap which she was holding in her left hand, exploded, completely lacerating the left hand and tearing her right hand badly, as well as cutting other gashes about her body.

Dr. W. H. Toland of this city was hurriedly called to the scene of the accident, and he found it necessary to amputate the left hand at the wrist. It was thought the young lady was playing with the cap and a pin when the high explosive contained in it became ignited. The young lady is doing nicely at this time.            


65 years ago:  1953

An ominous black cloud that swept over the Nashville area Tuesday afternoon and emptied its contents in a short but torrential downpour gave residents of Goodlett (St. Paul) community on the Hope Highway a scare.

The cloud passed over Nashville about 4:30 p.m. from a northerly direction.  It hit the small farming area, then switched its direction when it hit a cold front and struck the Goodlett, Tollett and other farms in a mile-long stretch with tornadic impact.

Word was received in Saratoga this week of the tragic death of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel McElyea, and their two children, Carolyn, age 7, and Betty, aged 18 months.  The family perished in an early morning fire which destroyed their home in New London, Texas last Thursday.

The 33-year old former resident of Saratoga-Okay was the son of Mrs. Earnest McElyea and the late Mr. McElyea.


43 years ago:  1975

Dena Kay Floyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul Floyd of Nashville, was named “Our Little Miss Arkansas Outstanding 12-year old” in competition at Searcy July 1st through 4th.  She won area competition at the Murfreesboro “Our Little Miss Pageant” recently.

(Adv.) We stock Safety Shoes, Fit for the Farm, sizes 6-16, Red Wing at Quality Shoe Store