Slave descendants to gather at Muddy Fork, Center Point


    The third annual Bullock Family Reunion will be July 27-29, starting at the Embassy Suits in Little Rock and will include families traveling to the event from all over the country and a “heritage journey” to the Muddy Fork community in southwest Arkansas.

    The reunion will start off with a dinner Friday evening, July 27 at the Embassy Suites.

    On Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. their will be heritage journey to the homestead in Muddy Fork.

    At 11:00, Sen. Larry Teague will attend an event at the Bullock Cemetery, located within the Polk Cemetery, to proclaim July 28 as Leandor (Mint) and Mary Bullock Day and a monument will be unveiled.

    After traveling from Muddy Fork, the event will move to Center Point for a catered family picnic for the cost of $15 per plate. This time will consist of visiting, playing games and other joyful activities.

    On Sunday, July 29, there will be a breakfast at the Little Rock hotel.

    T-shirts for the Bullock Family Reunion can be ordered by contacting Julie Bullock-Lewis at (601) 297-4552.