Dierks school board makes more coach choices


    By Natasha Worley
    News-Leader staff

    The Dierks School Board held their regular monthly meeting last Monday, June 19.

    The meeting opened with the May 9, May 23, and May 30 minutes being approved by a consensus of the board.

    Following this, the board discussed and approved changes proposed to the classified salary schedule for the 2017-2018 school year.

    The transportation and the maintenance positions will get $100 per month fuel allotment beginning July 1. Also, the principals’ secretaries will be placed on a 220-day contract for the 2017-18 school term as opposed to the usual 190-day contract in prior years. A motion was made by Jeffrey Mounts and seconded by Trey Eckert to approve this, and the motion passed unanimously.

    There was also consideration of the purchase of a walk-in freezer for the elementary cafeteria, but was tabled until more information regarding installation could be obtained.

    In consideration of the next issue on the agenda, Board President Bubba McSpaddan requested that board member Brad Garner recuse himself from the meeting.

    This is because a resolution was being deliberated by the board to enter into a contract with Bradley Bray, Garner’s brother-in-law, for additional duties of assistant football coach on a 230-day contact pending approval from the Commissioner of the ADE. A motion was made by Mounts to approve this resolution.

    The motion was seconded by Eckert, and passed without contest. Afterward, Garner was invited back into the meeting.

    Also approved by a consensus of the board was a motion to hold the 2017 annual school board election by early voting or absentee voting through the county clerk’s office in Nashville.

    The board adjourned to executive session at 6:55 p.m. to discuss personnel. They returned to open session at 7:40 p.m.

    Eckert made a motion to employ Caleb Garrick as assistant baseball coach, assistant football coach, and teacher for the 2017-18 school term per the salary schedule. This motion was seconded by Mounts, and was approved without contest.

    Also, approved by a consensus of the board was a motion to employ Samantha Manasco as elementary teacher for the 2017-18 school term as per the salary schedule.

    Discussion of other items included:

    – A motion by Eckert and seconded by Garner passed unanimously to approve renewing the district’s property, vehicle, and mobile equipment insurance coverage with ASBA Risk Management Program.

    A motion by Mounts and seconded by Eckert passed unanimously to approve a motion to adopt the proposed budget of expenditures with tax levy for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 to and including June 30, 2019 and to approve all related election documents as prepared by First Security Beardsley.

    A motion by Garner and seconded by Mounts passed unanimously to extend First Security Beardsley as financial advisor for another three year period.

    A motion by Mounts and seconded by Eckert passed unanimously to increase lunch prices to $2.00 beginning August 14. Prices are set by ADE Child Nutrition Division.

    A motion by Eckert and seconded by Garner passed unanimously to accept Hiland Dairy Foods bid for milk products. The bid has an escalating/de-escalating bid clause.

    A motion by Jeffrey Mounts and seconded by Eckert passed unanimously to accept Flowers Baking Company of Tyler, Inc. bid for bread products for the 2017-18 school term.

    A motion by Mounts and seconded by Garner passed unanimously to accept a three-year lease bid from Midwest Bus Sales, Inc. for a 2018 Thomas Built 77-passenger bus for $12,750 per year.

    Administrators attended the Administrators Institute held at DeGray last week and were given updates on latest laws affecting eduction.

    Both principals Jody Cowart and Karla Byrne will be attending the National Principal’s Conference in Philadelphia July 8-11.

    Summer floor cleaning is under way. The gym floor will be refinished on June 26.