Mineral Springs was officially released from the State Department of Education’s Academic Distress List, last week.
Superintendent Curtis Turner was at the state board meeting in Little Rock to received the expected good news.
Administrative assistant Tim Erwin sent out a message to faculty and employees saying that Turner had addressed the state board, which then accepted the recommendation of the academic distress committee.
In his message to school staff, Erwin thanked everyone for their hard work to be released from the distress list. “We encourage you to continue to get better. There are no limits or barriers to hold us back,” Erwin wrote.
The News-Leader erroneously reported recently that board member Mike Erwin had gone through applications for the head football coaching position with Turner. In actuality, it was Tim Erwin who studied the list. “The newspaper apologizes for the error,” reporter Louie Graves said.
Turner said that there might be as many as 25 applicants for the superintendent job. He said that the board had planned to interview applicants on the nights of Feb. 23 and Feb. 25.
Turner will remain with the school in an advisory capacity for a year.
No new date has been set for further consideration of applicants for the coaching job.
Removal from list leads to bonuses for staff
By Louie Graves
News-Leader Staff
In recognition of the effort of all personnel to lift Mineral Springs High School off the Academic Distress List of the Arkansas Department of Education, the MS school board voted to distribute bonuses.
At Monday night’s regular meeting, board members voted unanimously for Dorothy Vaughn’s motion for $1,000 for certified personnel, and $500 for classified personnel. Superintendent Curtis Turner recommended a “do pass” for the motion, saying that “The things we are doing are working.”
Earlier, elementary principal Stacy Gauldin and high school principal Josh Kesler gave reports on their buildings. Also making a report on junior high activities was Sandra Rhone.
The board watched a presentation by students Makenzy Perez and Keyon Atkins.
A group of seven MS students and two chaperones will take a five-day trip to New York City in June. The sponsor, Shelly Furr, said that the group had already raised more than $11,000 and needed to raise about $4,400 more. The powerpoint presentation included daily schedules for the group. The students are in Furr’s AP history class.
A school calendar for 2017-18 was approved. The first day of school in the new school year will be Aug. 14.
The board voted to purchase 15 acres of land across North Street and north of the football field. Owner Mike McCullough agreed to the sale for $45,000 plus one-half of closing costs. Supt. Turner said the land would be useful for future growth and projects.
After an executive session lasting slightly longer than a half hour, the board voted unanimously to rehire high school principal Kesler and elememtary principal Gauldin. One teacher resignation was accepted.
Board president William Dixon presided. Other board members present included Sheila Jackson, Jamie Jackson, Mike Erwin, Zemeria Newton, Ray Hawkins and Vaughn. Also present were administrative assistant Tim Erwin and district treasurer Frankie Darr.