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NHS netters split road matches

McKenzie Morphew

The Scrapperette tennis team continue to win on the road last week, taking victories at Magnolia and Texarkana.

Nashville defeated Texarkana 8-2 Aug. 29.

In doubles action, Olivia Herzog and Kendall Kirchhoff def. Sarah Norwood and Beth Ann Dowd 8-6.McKenzie Morphew and Leslie Lingo def. Bree Smith and Hayley Hawthorn 8-3. Herzog and Kerchhoff def. Kenia Green and Tristen Jones 8-0. Morphew and Lingo def. Shelby Godwin and Hanna McCorkle 8-0. Morphew and Lingo def. Norwood and Dowd 8-4.

In singles competition, Amber Barnette defeated Kenia Green 8-2, Maddie Pinkerton def. Hanna McCorkle 8-4 and AmberBarnette def. Hayley Hawthorn 9-8. Olivia Herzog lost to Amy Clair 0-8, and McKenzie Morphew lost to Reese Chesshir 2-8.

On the boys side, Texarkana defeated Nashville 6-1.

The Scrapper win came in boys singles with Caleb Newton defeating Patrick Cook 8-5. In other singles matches, Glenn Hartness lost to Gordy McJunkins 4-8. Zack Williams lost to Michael Blair 1-8, and Hartness lost to Braden Shaw 5-8.

In doubles, Hartness and Newton lost to Tyler Dawson and Shaw 7-9. Eli Howard and Williams lost to Colten Robinson and Cook 1-8. Newton and Howard fell to Blaine and Tyler 1-8.

Both teams played at Magnolia Aug. 31.

The Scrapperettes defeated the Lady Panthers 2-0.

Kirchhoff and Herzog def. Abby Jolly and Taylor Belles 8-2. Morphew and Lingo def. Deasha Doss and Hanna Anglin 8-2.

The boys lost to Magnolia 2-1.

Hartness and Backus def. Kevin Zow and Kurt Pletcher 8-6. Newton and Howard lost to Connor Deloch and Keith Watson 4-8.

In singles, Williams lost to Daniel Reyes 4-8.

Zack Williams
Kendall Kirchoff
Olivia Herzog
Zack Backus