Home News Ouachita Artists Gallery temporarily closed

Ouachita Artists Gallery temporarily closed


Damage suffered during recent rain storms have forced the temporary closure of the Ouachita Artist Gallery and Studio.
In a statement released Monday Gallery members stated that a storm which blew through the area a couple weeks ago did extensive damage to the roof of the gallery. As a result the rain poured into the gallery destroying several ceiling tiles. A subsequent rain last week exacerbated the problem with more water damage inside the building.
“As a small non-profit business this will be a huge set back for us.” The statement declared.
Gallery members welcome any donations and  can issue a receipt for tax purposes.
The studio is operational and all art classes and meetings will continue as planned. Class and meeting attendees are asked to park in the back and enter through doors that enter the studio.
“We are very sorry this has happened and we are very grateful for everyone’s concern for us. Special thanks to all the members that have helped during this disaster. We will be up and running as soon as possible.” The statement added.