Home Farm Montgomery County Fair Pageant set for August 15-16

Montgomery County Fair Pageant set for August 15-16


The Montgomery County Fair Pageant will be held August 15-16 at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Mount Ida.
Monday will feature contestants ages 7-21 competing in four categories. Age groups include: Princess (7-9 years old), Pre-Teen (10-12 years old), Miss Teen (13-16 years old) and Fair Queen (17-21 years old). The pageant will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Contestants in the Princess and Pre-Teen categories do not have to be a resident of Montgomery County to enter the contest. Contestants are encouraged to ride in the Parade to be held, Saturday, August 13, at 5 p.m. There will be one rehearsal, Tuesday, August 9, at 6 p.m. in the Ode Maddox Building at the fairgrounds. Attendance is encouraged, but not required. Winners will receive a crown, trophy and banner. All contestants will receive a crown and the photogenic winner will receive an award.
Contestants in the Pre-Teen and Miss Montgomery County Fair categories must be a resident of Montgomery County for at least six months prior to the pageant, or have attended a school within the county for at least one semester. They must also remain a resident in the county until giving up their crown the following year, unless attending college.
Contestants are encouraged to ride in the Parade to be held, Saturday, August 13, at 5 p.m. There will be one rehearsal, Tuesday, August 9, at 6 p.m. in the Ode Maddox Building at the fairgrounds. Attendance is encouraged, but not required. Winners will receive a crown, trophy and banner. All contestants will receive a crown and the photogenic winner will receive an award.
Contestants in the Teen category will participate in a sportswear competition Saturday at 7 p.m. and contestants in the Queen category will compete in a swimsuit competition. The swimsuit competition is a closed event. There will also be a private interview for each contestant.
Winners are required to enter the Arkansas State Fair Queen, or Jr. Fair Queen Contest.
Tuesday will feature contestants ages 0-6 years of age. Age groups include: Baby Little Miss (0-12 months), Tiny Little Miss (13-24 months), Darling Little Miss(2-3 years old) and Little Miss (4-6 years old).
Contestants do not have to be a resident of Montgomery County to enter the contest. Contestants are encouraged to ride in the Parade to be held, Saturday, August 13, at 5 p.m. There will be one rehearsal, Tuesday, August 9, at 6 p.m. in the Ode Maddox Building at the fairgrounds. Attendance is encouraged, but not required. Winners will receive a crown, trophy and banner. All contestants will receive a crown and the photogenic winner will receive an award.
All pageant competitions are judged by certified state fair pageant officials. Judges cannot be associated with the Montgomery County Fair, or Fair Board.
For a complete set of rules see the 2016 Montgomery County Fair Catalog. For entry forms contact Jennifer Barrett at (870) 867-4869, Lisa Simpson at (870) 867-334-2814, Christie Simpson (870) 223-2390, Kathy Gossett (870) 867-5084, or Jalyn Hackney at (870) 490-1868.