Home Farm Spring Break

Spring Break


From the Barnyard by Mike Graves

My wife and I traveled to historic Charleston, S.C. for our spring break. We had a totally awesome trip I recommend to anyone. The weather was warm, our bed & breakfast was beautiful, and there was plenty to do and see. Oh, and I gained 3 lbs the week we were there. My wife shared some pictures on Facebook with some of y’all, but every time I attempt to “post” something on Facebook, mine enemies call me a SOB.
We started our culinary experience with the soul food at Jestine’s Cafe in downtown Charleston where we enjoyed coleslaw, fried tomatoes, fried okra, collards, fried chicken, and corn bread. We took a carriage ride with a historian who had a great appreciation for the old city. We attended Easter service at St. James Episcopal church, then headed down to Folly Island with my brother Gerry’s family and stayed in a beach house with a beautiful view of palm trees and the ocean out the kitchen window. Each day we enjoyed fresh seafood, and my nephew Jack and I got in the 47 degree ocean water – but not for long. We did get plenty of exercise walking on the beach in the salty air, slept late occasionally and took a nap every day in our comfy little beach house. We enjoyed every minute of it – especially the fact that we did not watch ANY television and gave little or no thought to the state of the world – thank you, Lord.
Alas, here we are, back to reality, but the trip was great; we’re renewed and ready for whatever life brings.(Oh no, here comes James Reed! Honey, is my passport ready?)
“Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee; the fishes of the sea shall declare thee.” Job 12;8
“Singing to the ocean, I can hear the ocean roar!
Play for free, I pray for me, and play a whole lot more!’ The Ocean” Led Zepplin
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Dr. Martin Luther King
“Silence is the friend who never betrays.” Confucius
Jack Leprowski: ”My mother in law is an angel.”
Gary Thunderbird; “You’re lucky, mine is still alive.”