Home Early Files Early files for the week of April 11, 2016

Early files for the week of April 11, 2016


Compiled by Patsy Young

121 years ago: 1895
Mr. J. L. Reed, a prominent farmer of the blackland was the victim of a peculiar and quite serious accident while in town Saturday afternoon. He was leaning against the back door of
Wallace & Hill’s store when the door swung back and he fell on his left leg, breaking both bones above the ankle. Drs. McCrary and Corn were called in and reset the breaks in a few minutes
after the accident. Mr. Reed was carried home the next morning, and at last account was doing nicely.
The contract for keeping the paupers of the county was let Monday to the lowest bidder, Mr. C. 0. Milan of Picayune, bid $7.55 per month and being the lowest secured the contract. This will be a great savings to the county.
(Adv.) Awarded highest honors at World’s Fair, Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, most perfect made, 40 years the standard.
104 years ago: 1912
J. H. Dillahey, a former employee of the Graysonia~Nashville Lumber Company, in the capacity of tram carpenter, committed suicide in this city Friday morning by shooting himself twice in the head with a shotgun. The tragedy occurred near the coal chute of the M. D. & G. railroad, in the southwestern portion of the city.
Street Anderson, a lineman for the Nashville Telephone Company, and Russell Moore were near the place of the shooting, and when the first shot was fired went to the spot and found Dillahey sitting up with the entire front portion of his face shot away. They summoned W. B. Corbin, who lives near, and when the men returned to the spot they saw Dillahey grope around in his blindness for the weapon which was a single barreled gun, and finding it, reloaded it, placed the weapon behind his ear and fired the second time.
(Adv.) After investing in one Knox Hat men will go out of their way to find Knox Hats season after season. Knox extra quality soft and stiff hats $5.00, Roxford $3.00 and Beacon, 3.50 Loewenberg’s
60 years ago: 1956
Four sections of a 12 by 450-foot kiln for Ideal Cement Company at Okay, arrived last week and were sidetracked at Schaal, later to be unloaded at the plant site. The sections arrived aboard double hitched flat cars and came down from Allis-Chalmers in Wisconsin. The company last Fall announced a $5,000,000 plant expansion due to get underway in February. To date no construction contract has been announced by the Denver headquarters.
(Adv.) Every Wednesday and Saturday night Art Davis Rhythm Riders and his well~ known radio dance band, 8:00 pm. to midnight at the Wagon Wheel Danceland, between Dequeen and Broken Bow.
46 years ago: 1970
Joe Branch of Nashville has been named a graduate assistant football coach at Arkansas State University. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Branch of Nashville, and was a star end for the
Nashville Scrappers during his high school career. He was an Al|—AlC performer at Henderson State College where he graduated in 1962. He was named both to the offensive and defensive all-league teams while at Henderson.
Phil Walston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Walston of Dierks, returnedSunday from Korea where he has been stationed with the Air Force for the past several months.