Law Enforcement Network Sharing Solution reaches local area


    LENSS Logo No Periods

    Natasha Worley
    The Nashville News

    DIERKS – Richard Wayne Snell, was an anomaly among racists. He was a member of the white supremacist group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord. He believed that planes that landed at the restricted airport in Mena, Arkansas were a government sanctioned cover-up. He believed that the CIA was using airports to smuggle drugs into America. He believed that police departments in Arkansas were involved in covering up drug deals. And on June 30, 1984, he murdered Arkansas State Trooper Louis Bryant near DeQueen, Arkansas. Trooper Bryant pulled Snell over for what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop. However, had L.E.N.S.S. been available 32 years ago, Trooper Bryant could have run Snell’s license plates, discovered his complete criminal background, and called for back-up. Trooper Bryant could still be alive today.
    L.E.N.S.S. (Law Enforcement Network Sharing Solution), created by Perceptive Intelligence, aims to ensure that this scenario never happens again. The directors of L.E.N.S.S. believe that providing an officer with all the information about a particular subject before engaging them is of utmost importance. In today’s environment, that information is only available by reading through a stack of reports. Unfortunately, there is too much information and not enough time to go through these reports in the short turnaround between receiving and responding to a call.
    However, with L.E.N.S.S., the front line officers have a fast and easy way to heighten their alert level about a person, vehicle, or address when confronting a particular situation. The solution is to condense stacks of reports into virtual index cards, and store them in a cloud-based system which uses existing smart phones, tables, and computers for fast and easy accessibility.
    L.E.N.S.S. allows authorized users to view and add existing documentation and data with no jurisdictional boundaries. It has a powerful Notes function that allows users to document suspicious activity that may become pertinent to an investigation. Any hits on a query of an existing documented subject, address, or vehicle will cause a notification to be sent to the creator of the subject packet. L.E.N.S.S. enhances officer and public safety.
    The Dierks Police Department has received the opportunity to implement L.E.N.S.S. for free. Jeanene Deen, Dierks native and Director of Contracts, Grants, and Research at Perceptive Intelligence, has expressed her gratitude at being able to bring this product back to her home town.
    “Thank you for bringing this to the attention of Howard County and the surrounding areas. To be able to bring home to Arkansas, my home County, the first in Arkansas Status of using L.E.N.S.S. is an honor. Mayor Terry Mounts is to field this offering to his Council and Police Department at their next meeting. This is the only location offered for free; however, many will be surprised at the economically low pricing,” says Deen.
    According to the Perceptive Intelligence website, L.E.N.S.S. is currently gaining popularity with many Sheriff’s offices and police departments across Louisiana. L.E.N.S.S. currently serves Louisiana State Police, Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office, Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office, Centenary College Police Department, West Monroe Police Department, DeSoto Parish Sheriff’s Office, Natchitoches Police Department, Natchitoches Parish Sheriff’s Office, Northwestern State University Police Department, and Greenwood Police Department.
    Deen states, “As our initial LENSS users begin implementation on the system, we continue to actively seek new agency users of LENSS, as the more users we get using the network, the more powerful it will become as a tool to protect law enforcement officers and the public they serve. We have had little to none welcoming or reception in Arkansas, except for my home town of Dierks. I understand the budget constraints that we are all under, but this is something that people need to look at.”
    Not only does L.E.N.S.S. provide real-time information about fugitives, dangerous subjects and their cohorts, but it also provides officers with information about missing children, and has a parent/guardian notification system. For more information about L.E.N.S.S., please visit their online home at