Home Nashville Sports Scrapperettes shutout El Dorado with no-hitter

Scrapperettes shutout El Dorado with no-hitter


Nicole Tracy

The Nashville Scrapperettes played the El Dorado Wildcats last night in Magnolia at SAU. The Scrapperettes had Anna Kesterson on the mound for the evening. Kesterson managed a feat few pitchers accomplish in their careers by pitching a no-hitter. The Scrapperettes defeated the Wildcats 3-0.
“I had no idea (about pitching a no-hitter) until the sixth inning – I was shocked. They (El Dorado) had a lot of potential hits coming up, and our defense just blew it out. We had diamond catches from Kendall Kirchoff and our catcher for the evening, Brooklyn Cox, did awesome. Our defense was just really solid last night.”
Kesterson has played softball since she was six-years-old. Her first team was in the 8 and under group, and was the ‘Rebels’. Her father, Ricky was her coach.
When asked about any personal goals she has for the current season, Kesterson stated, “Well, to win a State Championship, definitely. That would be the biggest goal. Otherwise, getting better as a team is the other goal.
In her down time from softball, Kesterson enjoys spending time with her family, going out to the lake, and reading.
Kesterson is a junior at Nashville High School, and currently is considering the University of Arkansas – Fayetteville as her college choice. She’s not sure about playing softball during college, stating that she thinks she will just “focus on school.” Kesterson is the daughter of Ricky and Tera Kesterson, of Nashville.
Conference games for the Scrapperettes will begin conference play at the beginning of April. They will face Foreman in their next game, which will be played at home, on March 21.