Home Farm The Turf

The Turf


From the Barnyard | Mike Graves

I guess some of y’all saw the article about NHS proposing turf for the Scrapper football field. $650,000 dollars is a whole lot of dough to this Nashville native and NHS alumni of 76. We haven’t heard the case for the project, but we sure got an ear full at the co-op from the country folk, and, so far, we’re against any kind of mileage increase to pay for the turf. (Like the proposed Sevier County school mileage the country folk came out to vote against.)
According to the article, the school will NOT seek a mileage increase, and will ask for local businesses to pony up and sponsor the proposed turf. That, is good news for the few of us left running a privately owned business who don’t get a state, or Fed gov’t check.
Folks have the right to spend their money how they see fit – but our concern is, it will distract even more advertising dollars from a disappearing source, and we, The Nashville News will be forced to operate even leaner than we have been lately. And, other school activities, (FFA, {ya’ll remember Future Farmers of America – who will feed us all someday?}, band, and other, less popular sports) will have even less in the kitty. Not to mention the HMH Hospital foundation, Relay for Life, and Howard County Children and Adult Center, who operate on donated funds.
I guess what we’re saying is go ahead and ask for more money, just don’t tax us anymore than we already are to pay for another addition to our athletic program. I take pride in the fact that I was born in Nashville, and graduated from NHS. I also take pride in being a part of the oldest business in Nashville, Arkansas and grateful to have the choice to say yes or no to the proposed school project.
On a more important note, we’re counting our blessings for the precious rain falling on parched ryegrass this morning, and wish everyone a good day.
“It’s a beautiful morning, I think I’ll go outside awhile, and just smile!” The Rascals.
“Above all tyrannies on human kind, the worst is that which persecutes the mind.” Dryden, 17th century.
Luke 1:37