Home Early Files Early files for the week of February 1, 2016

Early files for the week of February 1, 2016


126 years ago: 1890
Mr. Jefferson Draper has a letter written to him by a friend at Hamburg, Tenn. Dec.1, 1834, and addressed to him at Washington, Hempstead County, Arkansas Territory. The letter was written with a quill pen before envelops came into use and was sealed with an old-fashioned wafer. The postage was 25 cents.
Last Sunday as Dr. A.M. McCrary of this city, was riding along the road near where young Coffey was killed last July, he concluded to take a look at the grave. He was surprised to see evidences of a very recent visit from someone who had robbed the grave of its moldering remains. The doctor thinks the body was taken up not more than forty-eight hours before he visited the spot. He found one small bone from the foot and brought it home with him and it may be seen at this office.
(Adv.) To strengthen the hair, thicken the growth, stop its blanching and falling out, and where it is gray to restore the youthful color use Hall’s Hair Renewer.

100 years ago: 1916
James Jackson, a pioneer and excellent citizen , died in Holly Creek Township at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Boggs Blackwood, Tuesday evening as the results of burns suffered at 5 o’clock that morning. Mr. Jackson was sitting near the fire when his clothing caught fire, and he was fatally burned before assistance could reach him.
Mr. Jackson was known to his intimates as “Coonskin” because of his fondness for vests made of coonskins. He was a man of unusual information, considering the lack of educational facilities during his youth. He had a rugged, wholesome personality and honesty that endeared him to all who knew him.
(Adv.) I am running a dray and wood wagon and would appreciate your patronage. Phone your wants to 136 A.M. Youngblood

66 years ago: 1950
Chief White Eagle, converted Indian Chief will be guest preacher at the Central Baptist Church at Mineral Springs, Sunday, February 5th at 10 a.m. Chief White Eagle will be dressed in full native regalia with eagle feathers, blankets, peace pipe, tomahawk, moccasins and Indian beads.
The Chief was born and reared in a wigwam and has trained for the office of chieftain. He will tell about Indian ceremonies, happy hunting ground and witchcraft. Everyone is invited.

36 years ago: 1980
A burglary at Medicaid Pharmacy was reported early Saturday morning. The pharmacy, at 2nd and Shepherd Streets, was evidently burglarized Friday night or early Saturday with entry gained by forcing the front door open. A few non-controlled drugs were reported missing, according to Nashville Police Officer Larry Yates.
A break in at the Center Point Grocery was reported at noon Sunday, according to the police logs. There were no signs of forced entry. Owner Gloria Jean Floyd reported $200 missing. Constable Chester Boyea investigated.