NASHVILLE – The Howard County Extension Office will be losing a familiar face on Feb. 12.
Sherry Beaty-Sullivan will be leaving the Howard County office to become the Agriculture Agent Staff Chair for the Little River County Extension office.
Sullivan started working for the Extension office 18 years ago, in 1998. She started off as an intern in White County, then went to Independence County for two years. For the next 15 years, she has been at the Howard County office, “which was closer to home,” she stated.
Some of her highlights of her time here in Howard County that stand out in her mind are “Really building the Beef and Forage program, working with the 4-H program, as well as watching the beef and forage producers try new things on their farms and hopefully save money in the long run,” she said.
Sullivan was involved in “The Learning Farm” project that ran thru 2012-2014. “It was kind of a pilot program. The owners of the farm, (Nikki Ray and her father, Paul Ray) were new to the orchard business. It was a real world application of what farmers are actually doing.”
Sullivan said the biggest change she’s seen in regards to Agriculture in Southwest Arkansas has to be the use of technology. “There have been lots of changes, but the biggest one would have to be technology – there have been so many advances in technology. I see a lot more of my producers using computers and their smart phones. Hopefully, I’ve been able to help them find the applications that they can use on their farm to help them be better producers and be more efficient.”
“I’ve really enjoyed working with the people of Howard County and serving them.” Sullivan said. “This is a very bittersweet transition for me. I’ve really enjoyed it here – working with the people and the kids. Howard County is an awesome county to work in, and I’ve loved it.” A send-off reception will be held for Sullivan on Wed., Feb. 10 from 2-4:30 p.m. at the EH Center.