Home Early Files Early Files for the week of January 25, 2016

Early Files for the week of January 25, 2016


Compiled by Patsy Young

126 years ago: 1890

The trial of Tobe Bissell last week on a charge of murder in the first degree, brought to this county from Pike Circuit Court, was a peculiar case. The State introduced its witnesses and the defense went to trial without examining a single witness and the result was a hung jury. This is one of a very few cases of this kind.
The farmers of Arkansas are requesting to meet in Little Rock on the 29th for the purpose of considering ways and means of getting rid of the cotton worms, whose ravages cost our farmers so dearly the past year. We hope there will be a large attendance and that much good will result. Howard County should be represented by two or three of her best farmers. Get ready and go.
(Adv.) I will be in Nashville on Feb. 1st with a car of mules that I will offer cheap for cash or good notes. Respectfully, S.N. Morrison

100 years ago: 1916
The eight-year-old daughter of John Choate, of Corn Hill was instantly killed with a bullet from a target rifle Saturday morning, while the gun was in the hands of her eleven-year-old brother. The boy had used the rifle the day before, and went to get it Saturday morning, thinking he had left it unloaded. The gun was not only loaded, but cocked and as he picked it up it was discharged, the bullet penetrating the heart of his sister.
The mother of the children heard the shot and rushed into the room, where she at once saw that the little girl was injured, although she was still standing up. She went to the child and asked where she was shot, but the little girl was unable to speak, but placed her hand over the wound in her breast. She died within a few minutes. The child was the grandniece of N.J. Choate of this city.


86 years ago: 1930
Mrs. A. Wilson Hale, chairman for Nashville in the sale of Christmas seals Wednesday announced that she had forwarded to the district headquarters of the Tuberculosis Association the funds received in the recent sale of Christmas Seals, the amount being a little more than the quota set for the city in the campaign.
Following is the Third Month of Doyle School Honor Roll: First Grade- James Jackson, Valentine Dickeson; Second Grade-Helen Furnatter; Third Grade-Era Brandon; Fourth Grade-John Rufus Harper, Iren Lewis; Fifth Grade-Cleo Orr; Seventh Grade-Ola Marie Myrick
(Adv.) Liberty Theatre, Thursday and Friday, Janet Gaynor in Hallelujah! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, All Talking Picture.

36 years ago: 1980
Five Nashville High School band students were selected for the All-Region Band last weekend during competition at Arkadelphia. Two of the students, Mike Copeland and Suzan Pile, were named to the first band. Copeland also earned an audition spot for the All-State Band. He will compete February 9th at Conway.
Three of the NHS band members, Anna Westfall, Sandy Garner and Scott Elder, were selected for the All Region second band.