Home Early Files Early files for the week of January 11, 2016

Early files for the week of January 11, 2016


Compiled by Patsy Young

126 years ago: 1890
Ye local has been invited to dine with Capt. John H. Bell on the 8th. The Capt. proposes to have a very large chicken pie cooked in a camp kettle after the manner of preparing such luxuries while in camps during the war. Capt. Bell has invited all his old messmates who are still living and a number of other friends and comrades of the old days. We anticipate a grand time.
(Adv.) Many an otherwise handsome face is disfigured with pimples and blotches, caused by humor in the blood, which may be thoroughly eradicated by the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is the safest blood medicine in the market, being entirely free from arsenic.
100 years ago: 1916
The editor of The News was remembered very kindly by his friends during the past week. T.E. Livingston presented him with a gallon of delicious home-made molasses. Mr. Howe presented a jar of excellent peanut butter and Gen. Geo. M. Clark presented a very fine and fat mallard duck.
(Adv.) Children take Ballard’s Horehound Syrup willingly because it tastes nice. There isn’t a better remedy anywhere for coughs, hoarseness and bronchitis. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle.
86 years ago: 1930
Recently, when Mlle. Flo LeRoy was doing her magic acts at the Liberty Theatre in this city Miss Marion Darling asked when she would see her sister, Mrs. E.R. Thompson, who lives in Detroit and whom Miss Darling did not expect to see until next summer. Mlle. LeRoy stated that Mrs. Thompson would arrive in this city within two weeks. Saturday night the prediction came true, when Mrs. Thompson arrived for an unexpected visit.
The men who are going to plant radishes should take advantage of the first opportunity to get their seed in the ground. If you cannot get the seed planted by February 15, it will not be advisable to plant.
(Adv.) Cascade pale dry Ginger Ale. Zestful, sparkling and a true ginger flavor, highest quality beverages in small bottles only. CocaCola Bottling Co.
36 years ago: 1980
ARKIES AT THE RIVER… Two families, the Louis Graves family of Nashville and the Charles Eudy family of De Queen, enjoyed a side trip aboard a paddle wheel vessel during the Sugar Bowl celebration at New Orleans. The Steamer Natchez made the river tour, and a sister ship, The Cotton Blossom, moved through the locks out into the Jean Lafitte Boyou country off the costal Canal. The Arkansans rode the Blossom.