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Battle in the rain brings a win for the Outlaws


Jaron Tipton | The Nashville News

The Outlaw’s looked to
sure up a spot in the 2-A
playoffs Friday night as
they traveled to Springhill
to take on the Bears. Scoring
was definitely hard to
come by as the rain and
the wind reeked havoc for
both offensive units.
The first score didn’t
come until late in the 2nd
quarter. After trading multiple
punts, the Outlaw’s finally
gained some traction
and with 8:06 remaining
in the first half, full back
Cale Adams punched in
a 4 yard touchdown run
to give the Outlaws a 6-0
It would be much of
the same story through
the 3rd and most of the
4th quarter as it was a defensive
struggle for both
sides. The Bear’s would
strike next. Tailback Jacob
Crow for the Bears broke
an 86 yard rushing touchdown
with 7:28 remaining
in the game. The Outlaw’s
defense would hold as
the Bears attempted the
2-point conversion and
things were all knotted
up at 6-6.
The Outlaw offense
would then come to life
behind full back Cale Adams.
Seconds after the
Bears tied the game, Adams
popped a 53 yard
rushing touchdown and
Trendin McKinney would
punch in the huge 2-point
conversion. With 6:39 remaining
in the game the
Outlaws snatched the lead
back 14-6.
The next ensuing Bear
possession was stopped
quickly as cornerback
Tyler Kesterson would intercept
a Waller pass and
the ball would go back to
the Outlaws.
With 3:35 remaining in
the game, full back Cale
Adams would bust another
huge run. 68 yards
to the endzone and the
Outlaws would lead big
20-6, the Bears would not
score again and the game
would end with that score.
Quarterback Jake Green
finished the night 3-12
passing and 25 yards in
the rain. 5 rushes and 30
yards on the ground.
McKinney pounded the
ball for the Outlaws 27
times for 98 yards.
Cale Adams carried it
6 times for 139 yards and
all three of the Outlaw
Sophomore Brayden
Kirby led the defense with
13 tackles, followed by
senior Jared Harner and
Cale Adams with 6 tackles
each. Tyler Kesterson and
Peyton Frachiseur intercepted
2 bear passes.
The Outlaws will travel
to Murfreesboro Thursday
night, to fight for the
4th and 5th seeds in the