Tag: Peyton Frachiseur
Dierks Outlaws open with win over former coach
New Outlaw Head Coach Vince Perrin cleared his first hurdle of the season Friday night with a 27-20 over the Horatio Lions, who are...
Battle in the rain brings a win for the Outlaws
Jaron Tipton | The Nashville News
The Outlaw’s looked to
sure up a spot in the 2-A
playoffs Friday night as
they traveled to Springhill
to take on the...
Dierks Homecoming heartbreaker
Jaron Tipton
Sports Reporter
DIERKS - Friday night the
Outlaws hosted the Lafayette
County Cougars for the
Homecoming game. With
festivities filling the atmosphere
of the whole town,
the Outlaws looked focused
Dierks Outlaws vs. Mineral Springs Hornets highlights
Outlaw Aaron Kesterson intercepted the ball from Mineral Springs and carried it for yardage gain while Peyton Frachiseur ran guard.
Nashville News
Outlaw Jake...