Annual Coat Fair to be held


    Blessed Beginnings Mission House will be holding it’s Annual Coat Fair Friday, November 13 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Saturday, November 14 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
    The Mission House is located at the First United Methodist Church at 403 Second Ave. in Murfreesboro.
    All of the clothing items and well as the winter items will be free. Each family will also receive a free bag of food.
    There will not be any income guidelines. The organization asks that each family only take what their family can use and be respectful of the other families that are in need.
    Anyone wishing to donate winter clothing, especially coats, scarves, gloves and winter hats, please contact the Methodist Church at 870-285-2579, Sarnia Minton at 870-285-2472, Peggy Stockton at 870-285-3577 or Carey Beth Cole at 870-285-1269