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Joplin VFD receives Firewise grant


2015 FIREWISE GRANTArkansas Forestry Commission Montgomery County Ranger, Jenimy Williams (center) presents $500 FIREWISE  Grant to Colleen Helms (center left) and members of the JOPLIN VFD.
The Arkansas FIREWISE Program is an ongoing effort to increase individual homeowner and community mitigation efforts to create a more defensible space for structures thereby making them more wildfire resistant.  This work is carried on by members of the community VFD, thru structure evaluations and wild fire prevention plans.  FIREWISE works to create heightened awareness of wildfire presence throughout communities in Arkansas thru education and information to homeowners.  An effort in which Arkansas leads the nation in FIREWISE communities.
For more information about FIREWISE, please contact your local VFD; your local AFC office at 870-867-2013 or the Little Rock FIREWISE Office at 501-296-1934.  Remember to support you community VFD.