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Early Files


Patsy Young– Compiled by

Two prisoners confined
in the jail at Centre Point
escaped Monday night by
breaking out in some unknown
manner. Four prisoners
were confined in the jail,
but only two took advantage
of the opportunity to regain
their liberty.
Howell and Doud, sent up
from this place for burglary,
were the ones to leave, and
it is said they went east from
Centre Point. One young
man confined for shooting
into the residence of Pegleg
Jones in Sevier County refused
to leave.
(Adv.) Notice: Our wool
carding machine is in perfect
running order, bring
your wool to us, and we will
guarantee you satisfaction.
We have also made arrangements
to trade you cloth for
wool at the market price.
Womack & Son
109 years ago: 1906
Mayor Leslie states that
frequent complaints are being
made to him of people
throwing all sorts of trash
into the streets and alleys at
different portions of the city,
and that those making the
complaints allege that some
of them are so blockaded
with debris that it is almost
impossible to pass along
them. Mayor Leslie states
that anyone found guilty
of violating the ordinance
prohibiting the obstruction
of the streets and alleys will
be fined.
Frank Turner has sold
his grist, gin and sawmill at
New Hope to Mose White
for $1200, and Mr. White will
soon take charge.
(Adv.) Joe Winter, Where
Dollars Do Double Duty,
SPECIAL..15c Ladies’ Black
Hose at 9c. We offer fifty
pairs of these black hose,
spliced heel and toe worth
15c per pair at 9c.
76 years ago: 1939
A special meeting of the
officers of the Saratoga-
Okay-McNab P.T.A. was held
last week to discuss plans
for buying a piano for the
Okay grade school. These
plans will be put before
the regular P.T.A. at its next
regular meeting, which will
be held October 19.
Officers for the Okay
eighth grade were elected
as follows: President-Bobby
Colver, Vice President-Billy
Collins, Secretary-Evelyn
Jane Green, Treasurer-Willa
Culbertson, and Reporter-
Virginia Lee Collins. Miss
Mariel Lott is sponsor, Cecil
Shuffield, principal.
A bright red bird with
outspread wings atop a
black felt hat spells “style”
in capital letters. A huge
red velvet bow on a black
draped turban offers another
approach to high style
this season.
(Adv.) Camels, long burning
costlier tobaccos, penny
for penny your best cigarette
26 years ago: 1989
Ten students at Mineral
Springs Elementary School
have been “caught being
good”. And all ten have
been named winners in the
S.E.A.L.(Schoolwide Experiences
in Affective Learning)
program for the month of
The winners include:
April Draper, Sarah Hedrick,
Marcus Esters, Paul
Washington, Loria Walton,
Lucan Greenlee, Kevin Erwin,
Laquina Cheatham,
Jeremy Coulter and Melanie