Home Farm Montgomery County 4-H poultry Sale Aug. 15

Montgomery County 4-H poultry Sale Aug. 15


The Montgomery County 4-H Club will hold its annual 4-H Poultry Chain sale next week at the Montgomery County Fair.  4-H members received 15 one day old chicks in April and are required to bring four pullets back for sale at the fair.  The money received from the sale of the pullets will go to help pay for chicks for next year.
The birds are White Leghorns and lay white eggs.  “These birds are really good layers,” says Montgomery County Extension Agent, Randy Black.
This year birds will be sold at auction, by pens of four.  The sale will be conducted at the county fair show arena, August 15th immediately following the County Fair premium sale (approximately 11:00 am).  For more information Contact the Montgomery County Extension Office at 867-2311.
The Montgomery County Cooperative Extension Service is part of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture and offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.