Home Obituary Timothy Larry Wehunt, age 53, of Hot Springs, passed away unexpectedly on...

Timothy Larry Wehunt, age 53, of Hot Springs, passed away unexpectedly on July 16, 2015


Wehunt obitTimothy Larry Wehunt, age 53, of Hot Springs, passed away unexpectedly on July 16, 2015.
Timothy was born December 12, 1961. He was a long time employee of Bean Lumber Co.
He is survived by his wife, Bonnie G. Wehunt; one daughter, Katie Wehunt; one granddaughter; Two step-daughters, Melissa Dawn Pribble and Sara Thomas; one brother, Terry Wehunt; and one sister, Ruthy Yarbugh.
Donations may be made in his honor at GoFundMe.com/zkj6ejw. All help is greatly appreciated.