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Fair board schedules sheep, goat show



The Howard County Fair Board met Tuesday at the fair building in Nashville. The board enjoyed fish dinners from the Lion’s Club tornado relief benefit while they discussed a sheep and goat jackpot show and progress on the new building addition.
Attending the meeting were president Don Fetcher, VP Bill Bean, Sec. Linda Kitchens, Treasurer Diane Gunter, and board members Deb Kruel, Mike Graves, Randy Thompson and Justin Allen. The board welcomed guest Howard County Extension Staff Chair Jean Ince, who discussed ongoing 4H projects.
June 27-28 are dates scheduled for an upcoming goat and sheep show. Weigh-ins will begin at 8 a.m. Friday, and the competition will begin at 1 a.m. Two separate shows are scheduled with two independent judges evaluating the animals.
Cost is 20$ per animal per show, and showpoints and showmanship awards will be given.
Interested parties are urged to contact Linda kitchens at 870-583-6104.
In addition to the upcoming goat and sheep shows, progress updates were discussed regarding the addition to the show barn. Pro Fab of Nashville was awarded the contract for construction, which should begin today.