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Early Files


Complied by Patsy Young

115 years ago: 1900
The usually quiet village of Nathan, in Pike County, was the scene of a killing Saturday. Tom Terrell and Tom Bell had a difficulty and Terrell shot Bell with a shot gun causing almost instant death.
Terrell is a young man living with his father on the Pleas White Farm near Nathan. Bell lived on the same farm. Bell is a widower with nine children, the oldest a boy of some sixteen years.
It seems that Terrell slapped the oldest boy and Bell went to see him about it. He called him out and told him he would have to straighten the matter up or he would kill him before night. It is said he picked up a hoe that was leaning against the fence and Terrell went into the house and came out with a shot gun and shot Bell at a distance of about thirty feet. Terrell went to Murfreesboro and surrendered to the officers.
(Adv.) 23,000,000 acres of Texas Lands, situated in 214 counties. Do you want to buy 640 acres or less at $1.00 per acre, one fortieth cash ($16.00) balance on forty years’ time, interest at 3 per cent per annum? If so, see us before July 1st, 1900. Bishop & Scoggin, Nashville, Ark.

100 years ago: 1915
J. H. Allen, president of the Allen Lumber and Box Company, of this city, informs The News that the lumber business is improving rapidly, and that he now has orders for boxes sufficient to keep his plant busy for the next six months. The Allen plant is now being run day and night, and will be so operated indefinitely.
Strayed: Blue mare mule, stripes across shoulder and wearing medium bell. Two years old this spring. Last seen at Norvell, Pike County, two weeks ago. A reward of five dollars will be paid the person taking animal up, and notifying me. P. T. Steen, Bingen, Route 1.
(Adv.) “I don’t feel good”. That is what a lot of people tell us. Usually their bowels only need cleaning. REXALL ORDERLIE

60 years ago: 1955
Dierks citizens this week launched an organization aimed at bringing civic improvements. The organization was a new Chamber of Commerce, dedicated to the city’s welfare, and one of the first to join was Mayor H. W. Reid who is concerned with the city’s water and sewage systems after getting natural gas.
Dierks elected officers and directors for a revived Chamber of Commerce, Monday at an organizational meeting in the Legion Hut. The officers elected included Tom Lofton, president, Wilson Alsabrook, vice president, and Grover Brock, secretary-treasurer.
“Lightning” an outstanding stallion of Howard County, was destroyed Sunday after a kick from another horse broke a leg on Kenny Smith’s heavily admired horse. The stallion was 19 years old and led the first Howard County Fair parade. Lightning was a white sorrel with white stockings and a blaze face. For several years visitors from a wide area drove to Center Point on Sundays to see Smith’s horse.

40 years ago: 1975
Two Howard County residents are among the 68 Southern State College Students, who are candidates for degrees to be awarded at the Summer Commencement exercises August 8.
Paula Sue Swope of Nashville is a candidate for the Associate of Arts degree with a major in vocational office occupations. Charles Howard of Mineral springs is a candidate for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in business-agriculture.